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Safeguarding Procedures


Lawnswood Campus PRUs recognise their legal duty under S175 Education Act 2002 and the 1989 Children Act and take seriously their responsibilities to protect and safeguard the interests of all children. They recognise that effective child protection

work requires sound procedures, good inter-agency co-

operation and a workforce that is competent and confident in

responding to child protection situations.


This document provides the basis for good practice within

the PRUs for child protection work. It should be read in

conjunction with Wolverhampton Safeguarding Children

Together (WSCT), Multi-Agency Child Protection Policies and

Procedures. These are in keeping with relevant national

procedures and reflect what the Directorate considers to be

safe and professional practice in this context. Child

protection has to be considered within professionals’ wider “safeguarding” responsibilities that include a duty to co-operate under the Children Act 2004.


These procedures aim to provide a framework which ensures that all practice in the area of child protection is consistent with stated values and procedures that underpin all work with children and young people.


Lawnswood Campus PRUs recognise their legal duty under s.175/157 Education Act 2002 to work with other agencies in safeguarding children and protecting them form “significant harm”.


These duties are defined by:


“Working Together to Safeguard Children” (March 2015)


“Keeping Children Safe in Education” (Sept 2016)


“The inter-agency procedures of the Wolverhampton Safeguarding Children Together”


“Information Sharing” (March 2015)


“What to do if you are worried a child is being abused” (March 2015)


For further information regarding our safeguarding procedures please refer to our Safeguarding Policy here.



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